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What is DivX?
The Short Answer
DivX™ video compression is a patent-pending software technology that compresses digital video so it can be downloaded over DSL or cable modems in a relatively short time with no reduced visual quality.

What does this mean for you? It means that now, for the first time, you can download full-screen, full-motion videos from the Internet that actually look and sound like what you get from your television or DVD player, and are not the size of postage stamps. With DivX compression technology, you can download and watch high-quality video on your television set or other convergence devices.

The Long Answer
DivX™ is a new format for digital video, much like MP3 is a format for digital music. DivX™ is the brand name of a patent-pending video compression technology created by DivXNetworks, Inc., (also known as Project Mayo).

The DivX™ codec (short for compression-decompression) is based on the MPEG-4 compression standard. This codec is so advanced that it can reduce an MPEG-2 video (the same format used for DVD or Pay-Per-View) to ten percent of its original size. Video on regular VHS tapes can be reduced to about one hundredth of their original size.

Before now, video's bulky file size has slowed the proliferation of Internet video distribution. Moreover, compressing video down to a size where it could be transferred over the Internet normally meant the end result looked like a pointillist painting done by Seurat's evil (and very untalented) twin brother. DivX compression technology solves these problems with unmatched compression ability and visual quality virtually indistinguishable from a DVD.

The result? You can download a full-length, full-motion, full-screen, DVD-quality feature film using a standard broadband connection in about the time it takes to have a pizza delivered.

In essence, DivX compression technology makes it possible for you to download and playback high quality digital movies on your PC and other devices. Compaq's PocketPC now supports DivX videos, and soon you'll be able to get DivX content on your television, via your set top box,


tanks to www.divx.com